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Divorce in Fleming County,

Save thousands of dollars in legal fees without the cost of an attorney

Easy 3-Step Process for Online Divorce

We get that the last mile can be the hardest mile. After a short online interview, you’re already in the home stretch.

It’s as simple as:

  • Choose your state and sign up
  • Complete a quick online questionnaire about your case
  • Print your forms and file

Do you qualify for an online divorce?

Do you know the location of your spouse?
Is your spouse in agreement regarding this divorce and willing to sign the divorce papers with you?
Do you and your spouse have any children under the age of 18 from this marriage?

Filing for Divorce in Fleming County, Kentucky

Although every divorce case is unique due to a variety of circumstances, the divorce process in Fleming County, Kentucky always starts by filing divorce paperwork with the court. For spouses who are considering the possibility of arranging an uncontested divorce, several options for how to file for divorce in Fleming County are available.

  • Seek an Attorney's Help - Uncontested divorce attorneys charge a flat fee for each case and take on the preparation of the needed divorce documents, but this option is still costly.
  • Do a DIY Divorce - You have every right to file for a divorce in Fleming County by yourself, by selecting and filling out all legal forms in advance. This option is definitely cheaper, but it is usually not time-efficient. Divorce forms are quite complicated, and any errors could result in starting the whole process over again.
  • Use an Online Divorce Service - You can avoid all the disadvantages of the above options by joining CompleteCase right now. CompleteCase.com is a fast and easy alternative for how to get a divorce in Fleming County without a lawyer and without undue stress and costs.

CompleteCase.com provides you with a completed divorce paper kit in the shortest terms. You will receive your printable divorce forms online in PDF-format after spending only half an hour answering interview questions on CompleteCase.com.com. Unique Kentucky divorce forms, adjusted to your particular case, will be ready for signing and filing.

CompleteCase.com guarantees court approval of the forms. CompleteCase.com continuously monitors all amendments to divorce forms and state laws as well as any changes to the filing process to provide you with up-to-date forms, customized following the specific state and county requirements.

CompleteCase.com is your key to a quick and inexpensive divorce in Fleming County. Applying for divorce has never been easier than with our 3-step process. And if any questions do arise, our friendly customer support team is always available to guide you through any difficulties.

Divorce Courts in Fleming County, Kentucky

Fleming County Circuit Court
Judge Name:
Stockton B. Wood
Clerk Name:
Amy M. Saunders
Court Address:
101 North Main Cross Street, Flemingsburg, Kentucky 41041
Clerk Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Parking information:
There is free two hour parking on the street.