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Is online divorce allowed in California?

Online divorce is not allowed in California; however, you can file for divorce by fax. California does not have an e-filing protocol as of yet. That does not mean you can not complete your online divorce papers and then file them by fax. California makes it fairly simple to file for divorce if both parties are in agreement. In fact, they are called no-fault divorces, and California was the first state in the union to allow such divorces to occur.

Online Divorce in California

When you hear about an online divorce or people who file for divorce online in California what they are referring to is the process of filling out their divorce forms. There are online sites, such as Complete Case, that make filling out online divorce forms simple and affordable. The process is legitimate and painless. However, it is not a process that works for every divorce. Both parties need to be in agreement about the divorce and the details of the divorce for the online divorce process to work.

Take the Pre-qualification Quiz

The first step is to see if you qualify to start an online divorce. It is also easy to see if you qualify. There are three sets of questions that you answer, and you receive a pre-qualification answer within seconds. These question ask you about where you live. They are designed to see if you qualify to file for a cheap divorce California.

Complete your Divorce Petition in as little as 20 minutes

The papers that you file by fax are called the divorce petition. They sound complicated by they are fairly straight forward. In fact, filling out the online divorce forms can take as little as 20 minutes. There are 13 categories that you will go over. Each is a segment of your married life. These include topics such as whether or not you and your spouse have children, a listing of community property, a listing of debts and assets, etc. Complete Case asks you a series of questions about your marriage, your assets, debts, and children. That information becomes your divorce petition.

Print, Review and File

The third step is to fill out the online divorce papers. Both you and your spouse will need to review and sign the papers. Once that process is complete, the next step is to fax your divorce papers to the appropriate court. The site provides you with a list of fax numbers.

Now all you have to do is wait

Once you have filed your divorce papers by fax the judge will review the papers and either approve them or disallow them. Either way both you and your spouse or ex-spouse will receive copies of the decision along with a copy of your divorce paperwork.

The online divorce preparation makes getting a no-fault divorce much easier and less personal than the traditional way of filing for divorce. In fact, the online divorce process can save couples thousands of dollars in legal fees. If you need a quick, painless and cheap divorce consider the online divorce process.

Do you qualify for an online divorce?

Do you know the location of your spouse?
Is your spouse in agreement regarding this divorce and willing to sign the divorce papers with you?
Do you and your spouse have any children under the age of 18 from this marriage?